caspar.esearch is caspar’s most important tool for constantly recalibrating the human scale. The office’s own think tank researches, analyzes, discusses, and processes the inter-relationships among social, architectural, and urban design developments. On the one hand, it develops theories, exhibitions, publications and public discussion and lecture programs, and on the other, concrete, future-resilient architectural methods and designs.
For example, caspar.esearch is behind the four-part series of public talks “Innen.Stadt. Leben.” (“Inner.City.Living.”) that the office organized in 2021/22 with the Aedes Archi- tecture Forum /ANCB – The Aedes Metropolitan Laboratory in Berlin.
The book retail in transition (2021) by Caspar Schmitz-Morkramer is the first office book publication produced by caspar.esearch. The current publication is the second.