
Caspar Schmitz-Morkramer

studied architecture at the RWTH in Aachen and at the Technical University of Berlin. As a youth, he had already developed a great interest in art and architecture. This interest led him to take architecture courses in New York City, and to learn classical drawing in Florence before he began at university. He gained his first work experience in the offices of Murphy/Jahn in Chicago, and Renzo Piano in Genoa. His architecture firm, caspar., emerged in 2019 out of the partnership of meyerschmitzmorkramer founded in 2004.

Caspar Schmitz-Morkramer’s work has been recognized with numerous prizes and awards. These include two awards for the Abbey Michaelsberg project given simultaneously by the prestigious MIPIM Awards.


caspar.esearch is caspar’s most important tool for constantly recalibrating the human scale. The office’s own think tank researches, analyzes, discusses, and processes the inter-relationships among social, architectural, and urban design developments. On the one hand, it develops theories, exhibitions, publications and public discussion and lecture programs, and on the other, concrete, future-resilient architectural methods and designs.

For example, caspar.esearch is behind the four-part series of public talks “Innen.Stadt. Leben.” (“Inner.City.Living.”) that the office organized in 2021/22 with the Aedes Archi- tecture Forum /ANCB – The Aedes Metropolitan Laboratory in Berlin.

The book retail in transition (2021) by Caspar Schmitz-Morkramer is the first office book publication produced by caspar.esearch. The current publication is the second.